Zu verkaufen (Halber! Neupreis= 200.-€) 2 Thebox 252 PA-Boxen, 2x15" und Mittel/Hochtonhorn, 800W, gut erhalten, nie "gegigged", passende Endstufe gibt's bei thomann (E800, z.B.) für schlappe 150.-; kann auch mit Gewinn für Bass verwendet werden-
4x15" - wie amtlich ist das denn - hehehehehe 0761/7664931; thomas-wehler@freenet.de

The Ultimate Ears MegaBlast is a great speaker that can connect up to eight Bluetooth devices at once. The device is a Bluetooth stereo speaker and a music player with a built-in microphone that makes it easy to use hands-free.
The MegaBlast is very compact and light in weight. It is about 5 inches wide, 3 inches deep and weighs only 9.2 ounces. Its battery life is rated at 8 hours on a single charge.
If you want to enjoy music without getting tired and listening to your favorite songs for a long time, then you should definitely choose a wireless speaker that is lightweight and portable.
The Sonos Play 5 is one of the best wireless speakers that you can listen to music anytime anywhere. This device can connect to any room, and has a 5.1 surround sound system that will let you enjoy music at its full potential. It has an amazing battery life and can be used for up to 30 hours per charge.
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